This is a research-based approach to positioning and, messaging creation + landing page creation for any requirement. This is diligently followed by any product marketer creating pages at Uniqode.


  1. Landing page requirements could be of many kinds -
    1. About a specific feature
    2. About a specific use case
    3. About a new product
    4. Targeted to a particular industry
    5. Targeted to a particular demographic of the ideal customer profile
    6. New page or existing page
    7. Etc.
  2. In pre-work, get proper clarity on the -
    1. The theme of the page
    2. The business intent of picking this page now
  3. Get a format ready in 1 single Google Sheets file to document all your research as you go through the steps.

Important Document -

  1. Style Guide (Condensed) [Internal Link]

  2. Landing page format

    Landing Page Format

  3. Positioning and Messaging Framework for Digital Business Cards [Internal Link]

  4. Positioning and Messaging framework for QR Codes [Internal Link]

Step 1 [1/2 hour]

SEO/Content Touchpoint

Talk to the relevant person from SEO/Content, and get clarity on -

  1. What keyword is central to this existing page/if new page - what should it be?
  2. Where does this lie in the funnel? (mostly, it would be BoFu or MoFu)
  3. What's the intent of the traffic? (Purchase, educational, etc.)
  4. Any pointers from SEO/Content from their research

Step 2 [1/2 hour]

Product Management Touchpoint